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Rules and penalizations
  1. General Community rules
  2. Regulations on account management and nickname-related rules
  3. Regulations on squads
  4. Forum-related rules
  5. TeamSpeak-related rules
  6. Streaming-related rules
  7. Rules for slots taking
  8. Punishable actions in game
  9. Rules violation penalties
  10. Regulations on penalties
  11. How penalties are determined
  12. How to appeal a penalty
  13. Annotations of some gaming rules
General Community rules
None rule is applicable to actions that had been committed before the rule was introduced. Nor can players be penalised for actions not specified in the rules.
Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse.
By registering on the website you agree to comply with the existing rules and rules that might be added later.
The Administration may not share opinions voiced by community members and cannot be held responsible for them. The website is not intended for commercial or political activity or any kind of advertisement.
The Administration strongly recommends that players are polite and respectful to each other. Bullying is strictly forbidden. Racist discourse is prohibited, as well as insulting players based on their political or religious views.
It is prohibited to post a content that contains advertisements, incitements to violence, pornography, politics and propaganda, etc.
Regulations on account management and nickname-related rules
It is forbidden to share your account credentials with any third party.
It is not allowed to use provocative or offensive content in profile avatars.
It is not allowed to use advertisements or links to other sources in player info or squad descriptions. The only exception is links to your own profile on a streaming platform.
The Administration has the right to delete accounts of those players who have not been online for 3 months or have not participated in any game within 6 months of the registration.
One player is allowed to register only one account.
A nickname should be short and easily pronounced, preferably a noun or an adjective, and consist of 4 syllables max. Valid examples: vint, sedoi, bars, amur, kazbek.
A nickname must not be group of words that do not make sense together. Invalid examples: LordOneDie, facesuperfly.
A nickname can be a pair of words that makes sense, but its total syllable count must still be maximum 4. A valid example: noName.
Military hardware, military facilities, weapons or objects that can be found on the map are not valid nicknames as it may create ambiguity on radio transmissions.
It is not allowed to use profanities in any language in player nicknames.
A nickname must not contain hate speech.
A nickname must not be political, contain advertisements, violate community rules or call for such violations.
A nickname must not contain references to alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
It is not allowed to select nicknames that sound similar to the nicknames that have already been registered on SolidGames. Example: if the nickname Sergio is registered, then it is not allowed to choose nicknames like Serhio, Sergio etc.
Valid nickname characters are: A-Z, a-z, 1-9, - and _.
A nickname must not start or end with a dash or an underscore, and these characters must only be used once.
Letter repetition within a nickname is only allowed when it's required by spelling rules. Invalid nickname examples: Vityaaa, Supppper.
It is allowed to use maximum 3 digits within a nickname.
It is allowed to use small abbreviations (max. 2 characters) within a nickname if they can be omitted when the nickname is pronounced. Examples: VasiliyNM, Matman_TB
In order to change their nickname, a player must send a nickname change request (can be done on the profile page) and wait for the Administration to consider it. The player will receive the notification when the request is reviewed.
A player is not allowed to change their nickname within 6 months of the last nickname change.
The Administration has the right to decline a nickname change request without explanation.
Regulations on squads
A squad is an organised group of players that has been registered in accordance with the established procedure.
Squads can either be assigned to a server or not.
A squad that is assigned to a server is also assigned to either Blue or Red Side. Such squads have the right to participate in the weekend games on a regular basis and send their representatives to Squad Leader Meetings.
A squad that is not assigned to a server (a.k.a. independent squad) is not assigned to any Side. Whether such squads can participate in a weekend game depends on whether Side Representatives have given them slots to take at this particular game.
Each squad is allowed to design their own chevron and use it in-game. The chevron image must not violate any existing rules.
In order to register a squad, you should submit your application to the dedicated forum topic and provide the following information: squad name, squad tag (a short squad identifier), Squad Leader nickname and estimated number of members.
The decision on squad registration is made by the Administration after the application has been considered.
Squad names must not contain profanities in any language, advertisements, political or religious slogans or references to alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
The Administration has the right to reject the squad registration application without explanation.
A newly registered squad is not assigned to any server by default.
In order to get your squad assigned to a server, you need to apply for it in the dedicated forum topic and specify the following: squad name, squad tag, estimated number of slots the squad member will be taking at each game.
Each squad that is assigned to a server gets to take at least 6 game slots at every weekend game.
The decision on whether to assign a squad to a server is made by the Sides Manager.
The person in charge of managing The Blue or The Red Side is the corresponding Side Representative.
The Side Representative can be elected by voting or appointed by the Administration for a period of time until the next sides rotation.
A squad can get unassigned from a server if the Squad Leader or their representative applies for it.
A squad can get unassigned if the Squad Leaders of the side this squad is assigned to vote for it, and the Side Representative submits the necessary application.
A squad can get unassigned as a result of registered violations (no less than 5).
A squad can also get unassigned if they regularly fail to fill at least 6 slots during the weekend games.
When considering an application from the Side Representative, The Sides Manager reserves the right to decide at their own discretion.
When the Side Representative is elected by voting, the voting results should be presented to the Sides Manager.
Side management should be executed in accordance with the Side Rules.
Side Representatives are responsible for drafting the Side Rules, making sure they are followed. Their other responsibilities are: making commanders timetables, organizing Side events such as: Side meetings, prebriefings, briefings, debriefings.
It is required that each squad sends a representative (HQ staff or higher) to Side events that are held before or during the SG games (e.g., prebriefing or briefing), unless the Side rules state otherwise.
The Side Rules is a document drawn up by the Side Representative and the Side Council. It is published on the forum and is available for plays of squads assigned to the Side.
The Side Rules cannot contravene the Community Rules.
The Side Rules can be edited in between rotations when a new Side Representative is elected, or after applying for it in the dedicated forum topic.
The Side Counsil can remove the current Side Representative through a vote.
Such revoting information should be handed over to the Sides Manager as well.
The Side Representative can resign. In that case a new vote should be organised.
The amount of reserved slots a squad has can be adjusted based on attendance rate and result into squad being unassigned from a server.
The information on the date for the next slot numbers readjustment is published in the dedicated forum topic.
Squads may be reassigned from one side to the other to ensure proper balance between the sides.
All changes to squad assignments are made on Mondays unless it is an emergency.
A Squad Leader may apply for disbandment of their squad. The application must be submitted to the Sides Manager. The Squad Leader retains the right to create a new squad under the same name in the future.
The information on squad disbandment is posted in a dedicated forum topic.
A squad may be disbanded and retain the right to be recreated in the future if the squad has not participated in games for 3 months.
A squad may be disbanded without retaining the right to be restored in the future if the members of the squad have been committing serious and numerous rules violations.
Members of the squad that has been disbanded for numerous rules violations are not allowed to create new squads or join other squads together (as a group of 3 people or more) for 6 months.
The duration of the period when the members of the disbanded squad are not allowed to create news squads or join other squads as a group of 3 people or more may be reduced by the Administration.
Forum-related rules
The primary language of the community is Russian. The primary language for the special subforum for English speaking players is English.
Any registered player can create topics in a relevant subforum if topic do not duplicate any existing ones.
Topic title should explicitly describe the subject of the topic.
If the topic is thematically relevant to multiple subforums, it is enough to create this topic in just one of them.
Before creating a new topic, check if a similar one exists already. If it does, do not create a new one. Post your message in the existing one instead.
To remove the topic, please contact any forum moderator via DM and explain the reason for removal.
The forum is moderated by the Administration and section moderators.
Moderators have the right to move topics or posts to a more suitable subforum, as well as to close or remove topics with rules violating content and warn forum users if they break the forum rules.
Disrespect towards moderators is unacceptable.
TeamSpeak-related rules
TeamSpeak 3 VoIP Software is required in order to participate in any community event.
A player can use community TeamSpeak servers at any time if they do not violate community rules.
It is strongly recommended that members of the community are respectful towards other players and minimise profanities while on TeamSpeak.
Nicknames on TeamSpeak and SolidGames website must match.
To be able to take part in games, a player must enable the TFAR plugin and use its latest version.
Any other TeamSpeak plugins must be disabled (soundpads, overlays etc.).
A player is allowed to set a TeamSpeak status like "AFK for 5 minutes" or "Waiting for Admin" if they are not connected to the game server.
Players are allowed to use chats and private messages if they follow the community rules.
Players are not allowed to be on other TS servers while in the TaskForce channel.
It is forbidden to stay in other squads' channels if squad members ask you to leave.
Players of one side are not allowed to be in HQ channels of the counter side during briefings or debriefings.
Players that are not participating in the current games are not allowed to be in HQ channels.
Players are not allowed to play any sounds that can bother other players during briefings, waiting time before the games start or in the TaskForce channel.
Any registered squad is given their own TeamSpeak squad channel (under the same squad tag) and three subchannels.
It is not allowed to rename the primary squad channel or set a password on it.
The Administration has the right to wipe channel descriptions with no further explanation.
The Administration has the right to ban a player from using TeamSpeak if that player has violated community rules.
A Squad Leader can appoint up to 3 channel admins from among the squad members.
Squad members may add squad info to channel descriptions, but it cannot be longer than 300 characters.
Only two of the three squad subchannels may be locked with a password.
A squad representative must be present in the squad channel during SG games, briefings, debriefings, slots taking time or other community-wide events.
Images or videos that are set as squad channel logos must have something to do with the games.
Streaming-related rules
Streaming during mission briefings is not allowed.
While streaming, it is not allowed to share information about radio frequencies or map markers.
When streaming the weekend games, you must set your stream delay to 15 minutes at least. Small weekday games can be streamed without a delay.
A player that has violated the streaming rules will be penalised.
Rules for slots taking
Squads assigned to a server take precedence when extra slots are being given. Key slots or key mission vehicles cannot be given to independent squads before players start taking game slots.
Reserved slots must be taken before 21:10. Aften that the Game Administrator may let other players take those slots.
Players from the same squad must take game slots on the same side - the rule applies to SG games and mACE games with more than 60 slots.
Solo players and independent squads (also assigned to another game server) are only allowed to take game slots on the offensive, if not commanded otherwise by the Game Administrator. When it's necessary to move players to the defensive to achieve proper balance, solo players are moved first.
Players start taking slots after the Game Administrator's command.
The first players to take slots are the Side Commanders - if the Game Administrator does not command otherwise.
When the Side Commander has taken their slot, they must report it to the game chat.
After the Side Commanders have taken their slots, it is Platoon Leaders' turn to take slots.
When Platoon Leaders have taken their slots, other players can start taking the remaining slots.
Squads assigned to a server take their reserved slots without waiting for Side Commanders or Platoon Leaders.
Side Commanders have the right to ask a player to give back their slot to assign it to another player on that server.
Platoon Leaders have the right to ask a player to give back their slot in that platoon to assign it to another player on that server.
Solo players are forbidden to take a Platoon leader slot if the Game Administrator does not command otherwise.
If a Platoon leader slot is given to Solo players or independent squads during the SG games, the Side commander must provide them with a determined, well described task as well as plan markers during the briefing.
Punishable actions in game
Killing an ally bot.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 3 to 7 days
Connecting to another bot after the game starts.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 7 to 14 days
Connecting to another bot after the player has been killed.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 14 to 30 days
Taking any equipment (from loot boxes or vehicles) that belongs to another platoon without Side Commander's or Platoon Leader's permission.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 3 to 7 days
Taking any crucial equipment (from loot boxes or vehicles) without Side Commander's permission.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 7 to 14 days
Taking away bots' and players' primary or secondary weapon, or the weapon they should have according to their roles.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 3 to 7 days
Unintentional teamkill.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 1 to 7 days
Intentional teamkill (requires video proof).
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 14 to 90 days
Unintentional mass teamkill.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 7 to 14 days
Intentional mass teamkill (requires video proof).
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 90 days to permanent ban
Intentional aerial ramming of any ground targets or aircrafts (requires video proof).
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 14 to 30 days
Intentional ramming of heavy vehicles by any lighter vehicle (requires video proof).
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 14 to 30 days
Blocking any key objects or entrances/exits, passages or stairs in buildings. Any place inside a building should be accessible through at least one unblocked passageway (that allows a player to reach it without making any special actions or in-game animations apart from walking).
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 7 to 14 days
Blocking any key vehicle. It is forbidden to put up barriers in the way of key vehicles that can only move forwards.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 7 to 14 days
Hitting a target owing to making prematch firing calculations (the rules does not apply to the artillery).
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 14 to 180 days
Using any firearms is not allowed for two minutes after the freeze time has ended. It is only allowed if a player has an enemy in sight.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 14 to 90 days
Minor violation of mission conventions (one that does not affect the game).
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 1 to 7 days
Major violation of mission conventions (one that affects the game).
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 7 to 30 days
Leaving the map boundaries (does not apply to aircrafts if not stated otherwise in mission conventions).
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 3 to 7 days
Letting players in or on vehicles that are being carried by aircrafts (helicopters, aeroplanes, UAV etc.). It is forbidden to drop vehicles when there are players inside or when you are closer than 2 km. from mission's points of interest (if not stated otherwise in mission conventions).
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 14 to 30 days
Using Soundpad software or alternatives on a volume louder than whisper.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 3 to 7 days
Using any kind of weapon (firearm, grenades, cannons etc.) during the freeze time. Exception: a single shot from a primary weapon.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 1 to 14 days
Sabotage, refusal to execute the commander's order or neglecting the duties entailed by the player's role.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 7 to 90 days
Using or sharing information about the hostile if such information is obtained after player's death or from outside the game.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 30 days to permanent ban
Using any VoIP or messenger software to take advantage over other players.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 14 days to permanent ban
Using any software to take advantage over other players (cheats, scripts, hacks, GPU driver tweaks).
In case of violation:permanent ban
Misusing any game, addons or missions vulnerabilities and bugs.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 30 to 180 days
Being absent on TeamSpeak while slots are being taken.
In case of violation:warning
Violation of slots taking rules
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 1 to 7 days
Disregarding the special rights of Side Commanders of Platoon Leaders concerning slots taking
In case of violation:warning
Leaving the Side Commander slot or a Platoon Leader slot without reporting it.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 1 to 3 days
Disobeying the Administration orders to change side, slot or to leave the server etc.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 3 to 7 days
Neglecting Side Commander's or Squad Leader's duties (such as mission planning, commanding the side / squad, carrying out a combat task, subordinating to the commander etc.).
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 7 to 30 days
Disobeying orders from the Side Commander / Squad Leader.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 3 to 7 days
It is forbidden to set graphics settings (textures, objects and terrain) below standard.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 14 to 180 days
Pilots are not allowed to give their parachutes to other players, if not stated otherwise in mission conventions.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 3 to 7 days
Rules violation penalties
Inappropriate nickname.
In case of violation:ban until nickname is changed.
Sharing account credentials with third parties.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 30 to 360 daysand forum ban of the same duration
Registering an extra account. The primary account gets banned permanently as well.
In case of violation:permanent ban
Failure to comply with the rules accepted when registering in the community
In case of violation:permanent ban
Insulting community members on any community platform.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 7 to 90 daysand forum ban of the same duration
Accusing players of rules violations without providing any proof.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 30 to 90 daysand forum ban of the same duration
Severe abusive behaviour on any community platform.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 14 days to permanent banand forum ban of the same duration
Incitement to violence or fomenting enmity based on race, nationality, political or religious views.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 30 to 180 daysand forum ban of the same duration
Posting erotic or pornographic content or links to or passwords for such type of content. Posting any kind of body waste.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 30 to 90 daysand forum ban of the same duration
Using profanities in public content (forum posts, forum pictures, avatars etc.).
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 1 to 14 daysand forum ban of the same duration
Posting or discussing any kind of information that refers to alcohol, drugs or psychotropic substances.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 1 to 30 daysand forum ban of the same duration
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 30 to 90 daysand forum ban of the same duration
Posting a question in a public topic and asking to answer to it to your email address, Skype etc.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 1 to 14 daysand forum ban of the same duration
Sharing unlicensed software.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 30 to 90 daysand forum ban of the same duration
Misusing any infrastructure vulnerabilities.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 30 days to permanent banand forum ban of the same duration
Bypassing a ban or helping others in bypassing a ban.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 30 days to permanent banand forum ban of the same duration
Providing misleading information to the Administration.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 90 days to permanent banand forum ban of the same duration
Disrespectful statements about the SolidGames Administration.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 30 to 90 daysand forum ban of the same duration
Disrespectful statements about the Administration, players of other Arma Communities.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 7 to 90 daysand forum ban of the same duration
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 30 to 90 daysand forum ban of the same duration
Creating topics with meaningless or all-caps titles.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 1 to 14 daysand forum ban of the same duration
Violation of rules for behaviour on the Forum or other public places of the community.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 7 to 180 daysand forum ban of the same duration
Streaming rules violation.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 14 days to permanent ban
Violation of TeamSpeak-related rules.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 7 to 30 daysand forum ban of the same duration
Posting messages in the game chat or the TASK FORCE channel chat if you are not the Slot Manager for the current game.
In case of violation:warning orgame ban ranging from 1 to 7 days
Leaving or joining a squad from Wednesday to Sunday.
In case of violation:game ban ranging from 14 to 180 days
In case of violation:permanent ban
Ban info is transferred from another database.
In case of violation:the ban duration is kept.
Automatic ban after several warnings (two warnings within 30 days).
In case of violation:ban for 7 days.
Regulations on penalties
Violations committed in-game are considered by Game or mACE Administrators of that session.
Other types of violations can be considered by any Game Administrator.
Any Game or mACE Administrator, as well as the Community Leader, can block a player until the hearing is held.
Any penalised player has the right not to share the details of the penalty.
Penalty type and its duration can be changed by the Lead Game Administrator or an administrator with a higher role.
A penalty can be cancelled by the Lead Game Administrator if the parties are reconciled.
The Administration has the right to restrict access to the community for any player with no further explanations.
How penalties are determined
All the circumstances of the violation, as well as parties' and witness statements, are taken into account when determining the penalty.
Penalties are imposed in accordance with the rules published at that moment.
The duration of the penalty depends on the penalty duration range specified in the rule that has been violated.
The type of penalty and its duration can be changed due to some newly discovered evidence.
Administrators are not allowed to consider cases that involve themselves or members of their squad.
A repeat violation is a violation that is committed more than once within 6 months. The time frame of 6 months may be changed by the Administration in the future.
The warning duration is 30 days. If a player has received a warning, the second warning within the next 30 days will automatically result into a seven-day game ban.
If a player has violated multiple rules, the final duration of the penalty may be calculated by summing up the penalty durations specified in those several rules.
The Administration has the right to restrict access to the community for a player if there is evidence that the player uses software that is forbidden in the community.
If a player has got banned by some other gaming community (when there is evidence of that), the player may be added to the SolidGames Community Blacklist. Such player can only be unbanned by Squad Leaders voting.
Penalties for violations committed during mACE games can be halved or replaced by verbal warning (if warning is the lower bound of the penalty being applied).
How to appeal a penalty
To appeal a penalty, a player should: 1. Contact the administrator that has penalised them (within 3 days after the violation); 2. If no satisfactory result, contact the Lead Game Administrator (within 3 days after the violation case was considered); 3. If no satisfactory result, contact any Community Administrator within 7 days after the violation.
Failure to comply with the appeal procedure may lead to the appeal being dismissed.
Decisions made by Community Administrators are considered final and cannot be appealed.
If a player receives a penalty for 180 or more days, the Leader of the squad this player belongs to may vouch for them to negotiate for penalty cancellation on certain conditions.
Only Leaders of the squads assigned to a server can vouch for players.
All vouсhing applications must be submitted to the Administration. The conditions for penalty cancellation and probation period are considered on a case-to-case basis.
When a Squad Leader vouches for a player, their penalty is replaced by probation for a term that is set by the Administration. The probation period duration will be defined in the penalty cancellation statement and cannot be appealed.
The player on probation must remain a member of the squad that has vouched for them for the whole period of probation. If the player leaves the squad or gets kicked out, their penalty will be resumed.
If a player on probation receives a new penalty, this penalty is imposed upon the Leader of the squad that has vouched for them, and their Deputies.
If a player on probation repeatedly violates the rules, they may get permanently banned and the whole squad that has vouched for them - disbanded.
It is not allowed to vouch for a player if the duration of the penalty they have received is less than 180 days.
The Administration has the right to dismiss an appeal without explanation.
Annotations of some gaming rules
Hitting a target owing to prematch firing calculations is considered a rule violation - if not done by the artillery. The artillery (mortars, MLRS, SPA) is not allowed to hit a target owing to such prematch calculations if the target is an object or a vehicle whose movement is forbidden by the mission conventions. If the target hit can be reproduced without pre-training and from a random spot on the map, the hit is not considered a result of prematch firing calculations and thus a violation.